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Design Philosophy

My design philosophy is quite simple. I have three criteria I use to begin a project:

1 The solution to a problem lies within the problem itself

2 All elements in the solution must be relevant

3 One should be able to describe the solution in a phone call

Here are a few examples.

A— I was asked to design a poster promoting blood donations...the supplies were running short. My solution was to show a large white cross on a black background with a thin strip of red in the bottom 20% of the white cross. The red cross graphic was becoming an anemic cross. The shade of red was blood red. The top edge was wavy to denote liquid. The headline was “Suppose we run out just when you need blood?”

B—Feature article in Diners Club monthly newsletter. Disney World Paris was having an employee crisis. At issue was whether employees could have a glass of wine at lunch and length of hair. Clearly a crisis. My solution was to show a French icon—Van Gogh with a bandage around his head—with a missing Mouseketeer ear from the Mouseketeer cap on his head. This nearly got me arrested by the Disney police.


C— Progressive Architecture was running an article on beach houses and the folly of bulldozing sand dunes in order to have a better view of the ocean. Marrying the subjects of architecture and beach produced a solution of a custom sand castle home shown at low level with an ominous sky and surf in the background. Clearly there was a safety reason for leaving a protective sand dune in place.


D—Western Union wanted an ad to improve the use of telegrams. Solution: image of a telegram on the page with the headline “Ignore It” above. Text said “Ignore it? How can you ignore a telegram...” Color: faded yellow. Type: strips of text from teletype machine pasted on telegram.


In all these cases the solution was found within the problem, the elements within the pieces were relevant regarding type and colors chosen and each solution could be articulated in a phone conversation with the client.


Here are the solutions. 

Four graphics for philosophy.tif

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